Data Sharing
This page contains data and data collection materials that were collected, created, or used by the Jung Lab. All data may be analyzed and/or cited in publications. Copyrighted materials may be present on this page and all rights therein are retained by the authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be posted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
Jung, J. - H., Castle, R., Kurukuti, N. M., Manda, S., & Peli, E. (2020). Field Expansion with Multiplexing Prism Glasses Improves Pedestrian Detection for Acquired Monocular Vision. Translational Vision Science & Technology , 9 (8), Article 35. jung_2020_tvst.xlsx
Pamir, Z., Canoluk, M. U., Jung, J. - H., & Peli, E. (2020). Poor resolution at the back of the tongue is the bottleneck for spatial pattern recognition. Scientific Reports , 10 (1), 2435. pamir-etal-2020-scirep-tracingstudy-data_3.xlsx
Jung, J. - H., & Peli, E. (2018). No Useful Field Expansion with Full-field Prisms. Optometry and Vision Science , 95 (9), 805-813. datasharing_fullfield_1.xlsx
Qiu, C., Lee, K. R., Jung, J. - H., Goldstein, R., & Peli, E. (2018). Motion Parallax Improves Object Recognition in the Presence of Clutter in Simulated Prosthetic Vision. Translational Vision Science & Technology , 7 (5), 29-29. motion_parallax_data_sharing_2.xlsx
Jung, J. - H., & Peli, E. (2018). Field Expansion for Acquired Monocular Vision Using a Multiplexing Prism. Optometry and Vision Science , 95 (9), 814-828. datasharing_amv_mxp_4.xlsx
Han, S. 'E., Qiu, C., Lee, K. R., Jung, J. - H., & Peli, E. (2018). Word recognition: re-thinking prosthetic vision evaluation. Journal of Neural Engineering , 15 (5), 055003 . IOP Publishing. wordrecognition2018datasharing_1.xlsx
Peli, E., & Jung, J. - H. (2017). Multiplexing Prisms for Field Expansion. Optometry and Vision Science , 94 (8), 817-829. datasharing_mxp_fov_3.xlsx
Jung, J. - H., Pu, T., & Peli, E. (2016). Comparing object recognition from binary and bipolar edge images for visual prostheses. Journal of Electronic Imaging , 25 (6), 061619.
Peli, E., Bowers, A., Keeney, K., & Jung, J. - H. (2016). High Power Prismatic Devices for Oblique Peripheral Prisms. Optometry and Vision Science , 93 (5). data_sharing_high_power_3.xlsx
Jung, J. - H., Aloni, D., Yitzhaky, Y., & Peli, E. (2015). Active Confocal Imaging for Visual Prostheses. Vision Research , 111 (June), 182-196. activeconfocalimaging_datasharing_2.xlsx
Jung, J. - H., & Peli, E. (2014). Impact of high power and angle of incidence on prism corrections for visual field loss. Optical Engineering , 53 (6), 061707. highpowerprism_datasharing_2.xlsx